You must always open 2 Trades per received signal. 1 trade at the price level, First Level (as shown in the image below) and 1 Peding Order (at the second price level as shown in the image below).
You must always open 2 Trades per received signal. 1 trade at the price level, First Level (as shown in the image below) and 1 Peding Order (at the second price level as shown in the image below).
A question that appears for most new members of the team, is the question if these messages (examples on the side) are new signs, put in your mind that these types of messages are only updates of trades that are already in progress after a few hours or a few days. So #these messages should only be considered as earnings updates in profitable trades in progress, I repeat, they are not signs.

#IMPORTANT Often these messages of updates are accompanied by instructions for members to earn and take partial profits from their Trades.
Be Smart and Fast dont turn yourself in one Sheep.

The Firts STOP LOSS signal
One Important doubth in almost ALL start new members is How put correctly the STOPLOSS when one new signal arrived in Premium and Vip room.We need understand in the new signal we put two levels orders > the First Level we need open the orders and market price and the second level we put a peding order, for the STOP LOS> we always need imput the same SL for both levels orders from the FIRST LEVEL. (NOTE > If the SL are 100 pips you need put the SLfrom the firstlevel.
#IMPORTANT These procedures should always be executed as quickly as possible, so you need to be fast because the Forex market behaves very fast.
This project was built by Wolf Felipe, a dedication to HASSAN ELHADEDY ,with all my Wolf Spirit.
#Example 1 How works the Hedge Signal

Opening the Signal when arrived
First Level (1 trades at market Price)
Second Level (1 trades Peding Orders)
Stop Loss - Always put the same stop loss for both levels orders ( 1 and 2).

#Why signals work this way These are strong zones of price reversal (Supply and Demand) where the price can begin its reversion in level 1, or it can go to level 2 and then initiate a strong reversal movement. This way we can get into a Trade at the best price possible.

#IMPORTANT NEW SIGNALS will always appear with red icons

Signal is Valid Again Message

Stop Loss update to entry point
When we reach +40 pips on our signals, it is a rule to always move the Stop loss to the Trade entry point. In this way we will always protect our operations and if the market reverses its movement the operation will be closed with zero loss. When we upgrade the STOP LOSS to the BE the 2 orders pending at Level 2 MUST BE CANCELED AND REMOVED.
#IMPORTANT These procedures should always be executed as quickly as possible, so you need to be fast because the Forex market behaves very fast.
to end up the trading day in negative results.”
“When you understand the game is rarely
to end up the trading day in negative results.”
“When you understand the game is rarely

Take Profits and Targets

Our system works so as to achieve the maximum profits in one move. This way we execute and maintain 2 trades per sign. The First Trade and First Object> The first operation should always be closed when we reach profit of +100 pips. The second Trade must always be kept open, because when we execute a HEDGE TRADE, this operation will be protected, and wherever the market moves we will have profits.
“A Gentleman is Simply a Patience Wolf.”
#IMPORTANT No Take profits for second order opens in one protitable signal. Always leave your second trade opens to Protect your Hedge trade in one Future Signal. #Make it simples and stick the rules system.
“A Gentleman is Simply a Patience Wolf.”

#Examples of Type Signs: Valid Again

When you receive the signal (valid again) in this way, it will be easy to see the levels of the previously sent signal
When you receive the signal (valid again) in this way, access your saved signals of the day as we indicate to do in the sampled text beside
#IMPORTANT Valid signals again will always appear with red icons

In many occasions of the entries with signals sent, they can be canceled after a few minutes. They may be valid and useful again a few minutes later. This is part of the strategy to always get the perfect entry into a Trade. As shown in the next page, these are the signals when a previously sent signal (which has been canceled) is valid again, so that the members need make a new Trade entry, with the same levels of negotiation previously sent.
#IMPORTANT A simple step that will help you always have easy access to these signals without looking for them in the channel is during the day whenever a signal is sent try to save this text in an easy-to-access lacal on your Smarphone, tablet or pc, so when the signal is validated again you will be able to access this data correctly to visualize the entry levels, Target and stop loss again, after that just put the Trades back into your MT4 account. #Make it simples and stick the rules system.
“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”
Cancelled Signals
“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”

#Examples of Type Signals: Cancelled
#IMPORTANT CANCELLED Signals will always appear with Orange icons

When a signal is canceled you will always receive a warning as shown in the example on the left side. When a signal is canceled you should delete and delete the open Trade immediately from your mt4 account, without esite. #Never leave the operation open when you receive this cancellation message, it is very important that all rules and instructions are followed correctly so that you have profits in your account with my system of trades.
“Turn yourself from loser to winner.”

Signals Updates
“Turn yourself from loser to winner.”

#Examples of Type Signals: Updates
#IMPORTANT CANCELLED Signals will always appear with Orange icons

“Stuck with my numbers and follow me exactly.”

HEDGE Trades Signals
“Stuck with my numbers and follow me exactly.”
First Level (2 trades at market Price)
In our operating system of signals i will always open HEDGE Trades, in this way we guarantee profits always, regardless of the movement of the market, we will always be milking money. It is very important to always stay connected on our premium channel so that you do #not miss any trade signals. This way you can correctly follow our operating system.

Second Level (2 trades Peding Orders)
Stop Loss - Always put the same stop loss for both levels orders ( 1 and 2).
How Works the Signals System
In this page you can read and re-read how the system of signals sent in the premium and private channel of the telegram works correctly. Follow the instructions below to correctly open the sent signals, how open positions, updating stop loss, open my Hedge Trades and much more in this session.

In this Hedge trade signal we can easily visualize the input performed at the first input level of the signal.
This trade on SELL was open days before. For this reason the current buying operation is called #HEDGE TRADE
#Example 2 How works the Hedge Signal
This trade on SELL was open days before. For this reason the current buying operation is called #HEDGE TRADE

In this Hedge trade signal we can easily visualize the input performed at the first input level of the signal.
#Example 3 How works the Hedge Signal

#Example 4 How works the Hedge Signal
#IMPORTANT Hedge Trades rules x Dont take it if you you did not open the previous signal in the opposite direction
#Take alook In the boths examples on the right side, as shown in the pictures Graphics examples, the last operation was a HEDGE TRADE (reversal trade), the oldest trade is the second order (of the old sign) that was kept open to protect our HEDGE Trade that was later opened. Keep this simples and stick the rules plan and use the correctly risk management.
#IMPORTANT HEDGE SIGNALS will always appear with red icons

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the signals should run in your account. Channel
available for paid and Vip members.
“Respect for those spirits who has a thankful attitude.”